Friday, January 13, 2017

TPACK Lesson plan


  1. The technology I used in my lesson plan was very simple and had no trouble shooting issues. The kids liked the Kahoot game the best and it was a great way for me to see how well the concept was taught. Math isn't the funnest subject and being at the end of the day students tend to stop paying  attention, but bringing in games and having some competitions makes the room more lively. The technology that helped support with a quick review video on one-step equations and how they work. This video helped refresh the students mind for the next activity. After they were done with the videos there is a small game where the students are split into two groups and then they will have a little competition between the room. I feel like competition is always a good little motivation for the students to try their hardest to win. Making them try hard for every problem. 
  2. The students learning will be enhanced by the review video showing them a quick review on what they have been taught in the last week. Then the little game is a quick little way to have the students to get some friendly competition to get the students brains flowing. The next bit of technology is more beneficial for me than for the students. That the quiz will give me feedback on how well the students learned the concept. 

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Article review

Thingiverse- Interactive Animal cell 

When I was in a young student in middle science was always interesting to me. My science teacher even had us make an animal or plant cell out of food and bring it to class. It was a great way to learn the cell and all the parts of it. I feel that this interactive model will have the same effect on the students. Being able to actually hold the cell and get a personal feel for the science.


I think it is amazing to have interactive projects at the smithsonian. To be able to hold artifacts from history without the fear of breaking or damaging it. Hands on is always a fun way to learn and there is so much information at the smithsonian that could be interactive to help the visitors understand more.

3D printers in school

This article was very informative I didn't really look at 3D printers as useful in the classroom, but after this article I have changed my mind. There is a is a lot of things that can be improved by the 3D printer. It can make learning more creative and fun making the students want to learn. Though there are a few things that the teachers did have issues with. For example they wish that they had more training on the printers.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Reflection on TPACK and article


With Technology advancing everyday and becoming more and more of our daily routine it only makes sense to start introducing it into the classrooms. The article about TPACK talked about not only about the technology for the classroom but the importance of it. Since technology is now at the tips of our fingers students have more access to knowledge that many older generations did not have. Technology is not only making classwork easier, but it is also helping students prepare for the real world. In most real world jobs the person is using some type of technology it can be advanced as writing codes or as simple as using a googling an issue you are having. Giving students the tools and how to use it is very important in this day and age. 

PBS Teaching Technology Usage

In this article, a study was done on how technology has effected students and how teachers feel about it. It also takes about the benefits that technology has on students. Though there are some teachers that describe technology as “too much planning” and “a crutch”, almost seven out of ten teachers say it allows students to accomplish more than before. There were many interesting findings within this article, one that looked at the benefits realized due to the use of technology. The data is very positive it looks at things like, being able to reinforce ideas, motivation to learn, different learning styles, and additional practice. All things that are great resources that technology has brought students. This article proves that TPACK does work and that if it is done correctly it could be very beneficial to your students. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Review of Articles

After reading the four articles Miracle Maker, Summon the Comfy Chairs!, The Best 25 Inventions of 2016, and The Best 25 Inventions of 2015 I feel enlightened. These four articles gave insight on technology dealing with medicine, home furniture, and other items we humans use on a daily basis. Though all the articles varied on different topics they all had one thing in common technology and the advancements it is making. They show what technology has, is, and will do for us. Many people from Albert Einstein to my great grandad believe that technology will soon take over our lives, and in ways it already has. Everyone has a piece of technology with them at all times, a mobile device, that can be said to be glued to this generations hand. There are always going to be flaws as the human race travels further into the technological world, but it can also be very helpful. Anthony Atala has been working on a 3D printer to print organs. They have had some success stories with replacing bladders, but what if you no longer had to wait on a transplant list for a lung, heart, or liver. Your loved ones would no longer hope for someones demise so that you could live. Then of course this amazing technology is then used in other fields such as entertainment. Where they are coming out with “hover board” scooters and wireless headphones. Everything in life will have two or more sides, and there will always be people for and against the progress. 

What will technology do to future generations? Today getting ahold of technology is super easy. It is hard to watch sometimes on how hooked the younger generation is, but if you keep looking you will notice that the parental generation is just as hooked. They may not be playing video games on tablets and game consoles, but they are on their phones with social media or watching a movie on their new and improved 3D tv. You can walk into a house with a family of five and they could be in the same room all doing different things. Is this what communication is coming too? This is manly what the older generations like my great grandfather sees. They see the bad in something that was made to be great. The technology was not made to make families unconnected it was made for things like communicating with long distance relatives and calling for help when you are in trouble. Though we all fall victim to technology we also know when enough is.