Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Review of Articles

After reading the four articles Miracle Maker, Summon the Comfy Chairs!, The Best 25 Inventions of 2016, and The Best 25 Inventions of 2015 I feel enlightened. These four articles gave insight on technology dealing with medicine, home furniture, and other items we humans use on a daily basis. Though all the articles varied on different topics they all had one thing in common technology and the advancements it is making. They show what technology has, is, and will do for us. Many people from Albert Einstein to my great grandad believe that technology will soon take over our lives, and in ways it already has. Everyone has a piece of technology with them at all times, a mobile device, that can be said to be glued to this generations hand. There are always going to be flaws as the human race travels further into the technological world, but it can also be very helpful. Anthony Atala has been working on a 3D printer to print organs. They have had some success stories with replacing bladders, but what if you no longer had to wait on a transplant list for a lung, heart, or liver. Your loved ones would no longer hope for someones demise so that you could live. Then of course this amazing technology is then used in other fields such as entertainment. Where they are coming out with “hover board” scooters and wireless headphones. Everything in life will have two or more sides, and there will always be people for and against the progress. 

What will technology do to future generations? Today getting ahold of technology is super easy. It is hard to watch sometimes on how hooked the younger generation is, but if you keep looking you will notice that the parental generation is just as hooked. They may not be playing video games on tablets and game consoles, but they are on their phones with social media or watching a movie on their new and improved 3D tv. You can walk into a house with a family of five and they could be in the same room all doing different things. Is this what communication is coming too? This is manly what the older generations like my great grandfather sees. They see the bad in something that was made to be great. The technology was not made to make families unconnected it was made for things like communicating with long distance relatives and calling for help when you are in trouble. Though we all fall victim to technology we also know when enough is.  


  1. You make great points! I remember when my brothers and I finally got our smartphones how my dad made a series of comments saying that we were on our phones too much, which was probably true. You can do so much with a "simple" smartphone, let alone the rest of the inventions that were listed in the 2015 and 2016 articles! It's amazing honestly and it blows me out of the water how little I know about things being invented or how they even came about! I definitely think technology should aid us, and I think it is for the most part, but like you said, and Einstein, and your grandad, technology can take over the world, and I agree that it has in many aspects!

    Great reflection!

  2. I do agree that technology has taken over and although I am guilty of being on my phone all the time, I do miss the fact that as kids we used to go and play in the rain and now we were afraid of going outside because our phones would get wet. Until waterproof phones came out that is. All I know is that with technology improving at this rate we need more discipline and keep our interactions with one another as "realistic" as possible.

  3. Technology is part of our lives and it brings out many conveniences to facilitate learning and communication; however, we also need to ponder how it affects human interactions as we just focus on "e" tools and how it can be efficient when we apply the "fancy" apps or software in education!
