Friday, January 13, 2017

TPACK Lesson plan


  1. The technology I used in my lesson plan was very simple and had no trouble shooting issues. The kids liked the Kahoot game the best and it was a great way for me to see how well the concept was taught. Math isn't the funnest subject and being at the end of the day students tend to stop paying  attention, but bringing in games and having some competitions makes the room more lively. The technology that helped support with a quick review video on one-step equations and how they work. This video helped refresh the students mind for the next activity. After they were done with the videos there is a small game where the students are split into two groups and then they will have a little competition between the room. I feel like competition is always a good little motivation for the students to try their hardest to win. Making them try hard for every problem. 
  2. The students learning will be enhanced by the review video showing them a quick review on what they have been taught in the last week. Then the little game is a quick little way to have the students to get some friendly competition to get the students brains flowing. The next bit of technology is more beneficial for me than for the students. That the quiz will give me feedback on how well the students learned the concept. 

1 comment:

  1. I like your reflection about math being at the end of the day causes kids not to pay attention. I agree that games do help. I also agree that competition is a great motivator.
